Our Community

We serve our communities, Let's make sure we celebrate the "Community of Us".

Technician of the Month!

Please join us in congratulating Bob Smith on being our "Technician of the Month!" Bob displays a high level of customer service that exceeds our clients expectations and we wanted to share the commitment he has with keeping our sales goals always in mind and his overall team support!

Team Building Event WrapUp!

Thank you for all attending our 2022 Team Building Event! We had a great time lining our company culture with where we are headed in 2023. Some great pics to share with the team from our outing! We hope that we got to connect and learn more about our team members and their families. Be sure to send us any pics you would like to share with the team.

Charity (Toys for Tots)

This year at our Chimney Company, We have chosen to donate to "Toys for Tots" which is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. The program was founded in 1947 by reservist Major Bill Hendricks. If you would like to make any donations, please be sure to let us know. Currently we have raised $1,345.00! Thank you to those that have supported. It means a lot to us.